Cosmo talks from the 4th dimension on THE I AM
Our Father who art in heaven
Hallowed be thy name
Thy kingdom come
Thy WILL be done on earth as it is
in heaven …
You are a child of the Lord God and a part
of Him who is the “I AM" or "THE ONE.” As a part of Him the most
important part of you is the “I”
In the heavenly state spirit energies or the
Soul can create their own reality. The same applies for people on the earth.
You being the “I” can create your own reality.
This concept requires a good deal of thought and consideration.
In Spiritual terms human beings as is the Lord
God is a tripartite being. He is the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost which are
the three parts.
In human beings these three parts all exist
simultaneously. In the first part is true love which is the child. The second
is the nurturing and care of the female. The third part is the spiritual which
is the male connection. These parts make up the Soul.
The Soul connects to the Lord God through
the mind or superconscious. It is through the mind that the beings of the
light (servants of the Lord) that are in the 4th dimension can send
messages to you on the earthplane.
Human beings on the earth-plane very rarely
get the third part of their Soul in harmony because they carry the “baggage” of
themselves, their families and their ancestors since the moment of creation. All
of that destroys their thinking and their approach.
Native races have a huge advantage. They don’t
have centuries of baggage to discharge as in the religious legalisms and dogma
of churches.
So the question becomes how, do I get rid
of this baggage. This was the original purpose of prayer. Prayer is merely
asking the Lord to be released from sin from erroneous thought and from
injuries you have inflicted on others, actually or metaphorically. You discharge
this baggage firstly by totally loving yourself, the Lord God, His Son Jesus
Christ and the Holy Ghost.
Simply all you have to do is say I love you
Lord and thank him for the blessings you receive and for the relief of the past
erroneous thoughts and actions of yourself, your family and your ancestors.
By freeing yourself of all that baggage you
are then in a position to create your own reality which you can absolutely
control so that your life becomes within your control.
The book THINK & GROW RICH by Napoleon
Hill contains a great source of information on the subject of thinking
correctly. It’s not all about money but rather about the many other riches in
life such as being rich in Love, Friendship, Happiness, Health and all aspects
of your life. When all of these things are in balance, the money flows because
it is part of the whole package.
People say money is the root of all evil.
In fact it is NOT. It is the intent of the person with the money that is evil.
Money is all part of the Lords wish for us to have prosperity on the earth
while we are here and so many evil people are doing their very best to take it
from you for their own personal gain. Money is not the be all and end of it
all. The Lord God is. With Him everything is possible.
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