Cosmo Talks on Gratitude
would like to talk about the universal principle of sacrifice.
The Lord God gives to us in
bountiful ways and in response He expects sacrifice which is a form of worship.
The most wonderful form is to have a grateful and giving heart which seems to
be a very rare quality indeed among the people on the earth today. There are
other forms of sacrifice; however the sacrifice of money seems to be the only
form that is understood.
As an example we recently
helped a person who had had a motoring accident and broke their arm in several
places. Through our servant on the earth, we removed all the pain yet received
no words of thanks or gratitude.
This person has had to have a
second operation to correct the bone alignments. We did not assist this time
around and the person is suffering considerable pain and discomfort. This
person is now striking out at those who performed the operation. This is not a
grateful heart.
People must understand the
universal principle that to get or receive, they must make a sacrifice if the
healing is to work. Simply put, in order to get you must give.
This principle appears in the
Bible time after time right back to Abraham when he offered his son Isaac as an
offering. It was the greatest gift he could give. Looking back at the Biblical
characters of old, they gave and they gave.
Growing up in the 1940’s we
were taught the principle of giving to receive and were required to practice it
also. Is it any wonder that people get themselves into such a mess because they
no longer recognise the Lord or practice this Universal principle?
The Lord does not expect the
sacrifice of animals and burn meat. A thankful heart or a gift of money who
cannot manage a thankful heart goes a long way.
Simply put you need to give to get.
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