Sunday, 7 July 2013


Cosmo Talks on Gratitude

I would like to talk about the universal principle of sacrifice.

The Lord God gives to us in bountiful ways and in response He expects sacrifice which is a form of worship. The most wonderful form is to have a grateful and giving heart which seems to be a very rare quality indeed among the people on the earth today. There are other forms of sacrifice; however the sacrifice of money seems to be the only form that is understood.

As an example we recently helped a person who had had a motoring accident and broke their arm in several places. Through our servant on the earth, we removed all the pain yet received no words of thanks or gratitude.

This person has had to have a second operation to correct the bone alignments. We did not assist this time around and the person is suffering considerable pain and discomfort. This person is now striking out at those who performed the operation. This is not a grateful heart.

People must understand the universal principle that to get or receive, they must make a sacrifice if the healing is to work. Simply put, in order to get you must give.

This principle appears in the Bible time after time right back to Abraham when he offered his son Isaac as an offering. It was the greatest gift he could give. Looking back at the Biblical characters of old, they gave and they gave.

Growing up in the 1940’s we were taught the principle of giving to receive and were required to practice it also. Is it any wonder that people get themselves into such a mess because they no longer recognise the Lord or practice this Universal principle?

The Lord does not expect the sacrifice of animals and burn meat. A thankful heart or a gift of money who cannot manage a thankful heart goes a long way.  Simply put you need to give to get.

Saturday, 6 July 2013

The Good Shepherd

 Cosmo continues 

We previously spoke of the Sheep chosen by Abel because it represented Guidance and Protection in Biblical times, which brings us to the point of understanding of the difference between man and the I AM as God is described in Genesis.

This gives us a clear recognition of the true relationship of things as we recognize that our own infinitesimal circle revolves within a greater circle. As thinking people we also recognize that there must be a higher and more knowledgeable wisdom above our own view of things which at best is a narrow personal point of view. This causes us to draw toward ourselves the response of the Lord God or universal mind as a power of unfailing guidance, provision and protection.

The action between man and God is a reciprocal action which includes giving thanks, having gratitude and loving Him in return which can be seen in the Bible as the true way or the true relationship of things with the Lord God.

So to obtain the unfailing Protection, Guidance and Provision we must curb our ego or self will, based on our own minute experiences which requires us to act in trust from the Universal Mind or God.

Again in summary we must learn to walk by faith and not by sight. 

The Good Shepherd

Part 1

We begin by lifting the veil on some of the great secrets of the Bible. I draw your attention to the fact that the early part of the Bible is about the history of God’s people. It is also important to realize that at the time of Abraham there were other people on the earth but God chose Abraham to be the originator of His own people. The Bible talks about the Egyptians yet they were not God’s people. Although religions teach that God loves everyone this is not true as will be revealed as we go on our journey through the Bible.

In the story of Cain and Able and other characters in the Bible we notice that there are deeper meanings to them and their names.

With Cain and Able as a starting point we see the process of “natural selection” which originated in God’s promise that the race deliverance would come through the seed of the Woman (Eve) as distinguished from the seed of the serpent. “I will put enmity between thy seed and her seed”.

We see the same selection process in the gifts or offerings in the preference of the gifts of Abel over that of Cain. Also carefully note that the same selection is repeated when Seth took the place of Abel after his slaying by Cain.

We see the same demonstrated in the story of Cain and Abel where Cain was a tiller of the soil and Abel was a shepherd. So here is a demonstration of Biblical symbolism.

 The Sheep symbolizes the emotional factors of man while the vegetable represents the unemotional qualities of logical process. We know that creative actions start with some emotion or feeling not mere logical reasoning which is why God chose the Sheep as the emotional symbol.

The use of the Sheep and Shepherd metaphor is that the relationship between them is a particular one of Guidance, Provision and Protection remembering that in the time of the Bible there were no paddocks or fences.

Friday, 5 July 2013

Cosmo talks on the Good Shepherd

One of the predominant themes in the story of Cain and Abel is the LAMB, THE SHEEP and the GOOD SHEPHERD.

This theme originates in the story of Cain & Able where Cain slays Abel because Abel's offering was accepted by the Lord and Cain's offering was rejected. We are told that the particular animal that Abel sacrificed was a LAMB and from this point onward we find the metaphor of the Shepherd and the Sheep recurring throughout the scriptures.

Cain's gift to God was the produce of the ground as he was a Tiller of the soil which represents the cold and unfeeling side of things.

The Sheep and Shepherd metaphor is that the relationship between the Sheep and the Shepherd is one of guidance and protection. God has given us Free Will and the freedom of choice which will bring the individual to a clear recognition of the true relationship of things and to draw toward themselves the response of the universal mind as a power of unfailing guidance, provision and protection..

In summary God's people must learn to walk by faith rather than by sight.