Friday, 7 December 2012

Cosmo talks on the significance of Christmas from the 4th dimension
Going back to the basics in the Book of Matthew at the time of the conception of Baby Jesus from the Holy Ghost. The complete emphasis is on the relationship of Mary and Joesph.
Mary was found to be with child and only promised not yet married at the time of conception. The Lord God moved on Joesph who obeyed and married Mary although the marriage was not consumated until after the birth of Jesus.
The deep significance of this, is in the marriage of Mary and Joesph in the sight of God and the arrival of baby Jesus to complete the family, which is being totally ignored on the earthplane today.
The celebration of the birth of Lord Jesus is two fold.
Firstly the appearance of the Lord God as one part of the Holy Trinity in the form of baby Jesus. He chose to appear on the earthplane as a baby totally dependent on His parents. 
The  significance of this act is that the Lord God is showing us that humans are in the same format as Himself and that being born as a helpless and powerless baby, is the most humble thing the Lord could possibly do.
The second is the salvation of the realtionship of Joesph, Mary and baby Jesus as a family. What this is illustrating is that there is nothing more important in the sight of the Lord God than a family.
Part of being a family is to love and give to one another which is why presents are exchanged at Christmas. It is not the value of the present that is important, it is the act of giving with love.
At no other time of the year is the family celebrated, so it is a doubly important, spiritual, day to celebrate the arrival of baby Jesus on the eathplane and to celebrate the incredible spiritual value of a marriage before the Lord God in the event of children.
Also described in Matthew 8, is the purpose that the Lord Jesus came to the earthplane which was to make the lame walk, the blind to see etc.
We see from our dimension that there are a lot of people on the earthplane spreading the word of the Lord God, yet there are very, very few actually doing the work of Jesus. You may not have the power of Jesus to make the lame walk or see, but you can assist the people who work in theses areas.
May the blessings, peace and grace of our Lord Jesus be with you as you celebrate His birth at Christmas. 


Thursday, 29 November 2012

W D Gann talks on the Basic Rules to Christian Living from the 4th dimension
I wish to talk about what we understand the essence of the Christian message to be. When I was on the earthplane I felt the message was complicated. The central themes of the message are three in number and very simple.
Firstly the most important is to LOVE and to have complete faith in our glorious Godhead and the HOLY TRINITY.
Secondly to LOVE ourselves as we are part of the Godhead and to LOVE others as they are also part of the Godhead. This does not mean accepting bad behaviour and bad moral standards. Our glorious Godhead has demonstrated his LOVE for us by sending His only begotten son to us and allowing him to be crucified to expunge our sins and weaknesses.  All of that is encapsulated in the word LOVE. All we are asked to do is to send LOVE back by accepting our Saviour Jesus Christ.
Thirdly which is two pronged which should be familiar to all.
a.       as you sow, so shall ye reap.
b.      to clearly and explicitly ask.
i.e. If you want something you must ask explicitly and it will be given. In my experience these are the three principles that encapsulates the JOY in Christ of the Christian message and are the principles by which everybody can live.
If you think about these three principles as you study the Holy word, you will find them reoccurring time after time after time.
Preachers embellish these principles in all sorts of ways but always they can be analysed down to these simple matters.

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Galatians 6:7 – God is not mocked: For whatsoever a man soweth that shall he reap also.

The Law of Sowing & Reaping is akin to being a good gardner. Plant good seeds and reap good crops. Plant bad seeds and reap bad crops. What can be plainer than that. If you want tomatoes you need to plant tomato seeds not beans. There is no way in nature that you can plant a cactus and get a rose. You get exactly what you sow. 
The same with people. Show kindness toward one another. Go that extra mile and do something for someone. Whatever you do, do it to the best of your ability and put a smile on someone's face. Always strive to do the very best in everything you do. You not only help others but help yourself at the same time as in do unto others as you will have them do unto you. Those are the actions that progress your Soul.

May the blessings, peace and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
Words of Wisdom from W D Gann on what the Bible Teaches

The Bible is a book of laws: Physical, Natural, Mental, Spiritual and Time Laws.
The Holy Word is very simple when it is properly understood. It teaches Divine Law, its uses and its abuses. Whether it is a Divine Law or a Natural Law, if you obey or follow these Laws, your reward is certain. However it is also made clear that if you disobey these Laws, you must pay the penalty.
Deuteronomy 11: 26 - 28.
It does not teach rewards after death but promises reward  now while you are here on this earth. Jesus said, As you sow, so shall ye reap." Many preach that we should live a life of sacrifice,  and wait until after death to receive our reward. This is not what is taught in the Bible and certainly not what people want. 
All natural laws teach and prove that we do get our reward while we are here on the earth. There are many examples throughout the Bible that prove this.  Abraham, Isaac, Joesph, Jacob, Solomon and so on all obeyed the laws and were rewarded. Even Job obeyed the law got twice as much as he had while he was still on earth. 
These laws have not changed and still work today for those that choose to follow these laws.

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Meteora Monastery in Greece
"Cosmo" lived a life in this Monastery and gives us a glimpse of his life in those times..
As head of the group he was responsible for organising the meals, gardening, domestic duties and prayers
They grew their vegetables on the flat land below the mountain and was the job of the younger ones to bring them up at harvest time. The herbs were grown on the top and although the air was very thin they got used to it and was a natural way of living for them.
They kept domestic animals and donkeys inside a stone wall enclosure at the bottom of the mountains to protect them from the wild animals. All the waste water was sent down to the animals below.
They had techniques of preserving food and made clothing from the pelts of the animals. Everyone had a job to do and depended on each other or the whole system would have shut down.
There were 100 monks living there permanently but they could quite easily sleep 300. Men only  of  course but they did get women visitors from time to time.
When they travelled abroad they did so by donkey which was slow and very tiring. They spread out into many countries teaching and building abbeys in England, Belgium, Germany, Holland, France Ireland and Scotland in conjunction with the Knights Templars.

Amazing what a lot of hands can do

They taught Art, reading of books, furniture making, building skills and engineering for roads.
Modern man thinks the Romans built the roads whereas it was the Monks that taught them how to build roads. They also taught them how to build tunnels to get water supplies and used bullocks to pull the carts. They also  oversaw the building of the  big viaducts they called chutes to carry water which was well before the time of Frances of Assisi which was around 1181 – 1226.
The Monks had the time and mathematical, engineering and building skills to create these things. Cosmo managed a lot of these projects and others were in charge of the creative organising to bring all the ideas together to create plans of what was going to be done.
Even in their time they had warm water by building shallow troughs and lining them with stones. They controlled the flow of the water and the Sun heated the rocks and in turn warmed the water. Similarly a lot of pools were made with provision for troughs around them in which they had fires to heat them  which could cater for 20 - 30 people at a time.
This is a knowledge not known to modern man. 

Saturday, 3 November 2012


The Principle of Ethics is – it either is, or it is not.

As in the Commandment handed to Moses – Thou shalt not bear false witness. To falsify a truth or statement or say something is, when it is not, is a lie.

Making untrue statements and particularly gossiping, causes a lot of harm which can fracture relationships, family ties and friendships.

William D Gann. (June 6, 1878 – June 18, 1955) was the greatest share trader who ever lived. More importantly he had a side that was not known to many.

During his time on the earthplane, he was at ONE with the Lord God and a Seer and was connected with the Servants of the Lord in the fourth dimension.

The connection to me is that we are from the same spiritual group, on the same level and being a servant for the Lord I can and do communcatie with him.

I share with you here some of his words of wisdom on LOOKING BACKWARDS.

It does us no good to dwell upon our past.  We all make mistakes and bad decisions however it will do us no good to dwell upon them, It is best to put them behind us, learn from the mistakes and move on with a changed attitude and make better choices for ourselves.

The Lord Jesus said. "Let the deadpast bury the dead." By this he meant not to drag your mistakes and misfortunes of the past into the future. Face the future with faith and hope, forget the past and you will solve your problem."

You can't do anything about the past, but you certainly can take care of the future by making it better than the past through accepting and having faith in the Lord God and his Divine Laws.

I liken it to being a good gardener. If your crops fail, maybe they need more water or sun, or fertiliser etc.. With making these subtle changes and persistance you will succeed and reap a wonderful harvest.

Again the universal law of sowing and reaping is at play here.

Friday, 12 October 2012

Some of my dearly beloved family members now in the 4th dimension
Who are familiar spirits?

Familiar spirits are the souls of our departed family members such as our great grandparents, grandparents, mothers and fathers, brothers & sisters, uncles and aunts and indeed our friends and all the people we personally know or have been associated with in our lifetime. They are the familiar spirits talked about in the Holy scriptures that we are to test.


Because we have no idea whether their souls have returned to the higher levels of the fourth dimension or whether a rouge spirit is masquerading as one of our loved ones.

Secondly in the spirit world there is no concept of family as we know it. We have all had many lifetimes within many races and cultures and of course many families so which family do you belong to???  

The answer is simple. You back to the group on the level you are at. As in schools we have classes.  At the end of the year we sit our exams and if we pass we move up a grade irrespective of your race. It is the same in the fourth dimension. As above so below. Race does not exist there either.

However unlike the earthplane if you haven't learnt your lesson in this lifetime you don't pass but come back again and maybe again to have another go. That is the purpose of reincarnation. To learn your lesson, purge all your past karma and move up a level. Eventually to get back to being at one with our Creator God. 

On the other side of the coin, If they have not returned to the fourth dimension it means they are lost and still in the earth’s sphere and are under the control of the evil Lucifer and his Servants Molech and Baal. The evil ones will use them to sway you to follow in their footsteps and prevent you from returning to your group in the fourth dimension when you die.

If you smell, hear, see, feel, or have any inkling that a spirit is around you, your best course of action is to challenge them mentally to leave and pray for the redemption of their soul in eternity.

Sadly the majority of people today do not do this.

What is a Shaman
True Shaman or Tohunga as they are generally known amongst the native races also communicate with the Servants of the Lord God in the higher levels of the 4th dimension.
A pagan Shaman or Tohunga communicates with the lost Souls on the lower levels of the 4th dimension who are under the control of the fallen Archangel Lucifer.
Their sole purpose is to prevent those on the earthplane from learning lessons and achieving their Soul growth and of course any hope of redemption in returning to the Creator God in the heavenly levels of the fouth dimension. Molech and Baal named in the books of the Old Testament are servants of Lucifer.
Witchdoctors, Witches, Sorcerers, Soothsayers, Pagans, Gothic’s, psychic's, mediums tend to operate at a very low levels of the fourth dimension and is why we are warned against them as in seek ye not familiar spirits....and test every spirit if it is of God or not...

Leviticus 19: 31 through 20:1 - 27 speaks of the pitfalls of following on this path.


What is a Seer
A Seer is a Holy Man or Prophet of God who accepts and understands the universal concept of ONE.
He communicates with the Servants of the Lord in the higher levels of the fourth dimension who bring messages from the Godhead through him.
He lives his life according to God’s universal laws and Commandments as handed to Moses and reiterated by Lord Jesus at His sermon on the Mount.
Men such as Abraham, Moses, Jacob, Joesph, Samuel, Ezekiel, Isaiah were all Seers or Prophets chosen by the Lord God to represent Him on the earthplane. as recorded in the books of the Old Testament 

Out of Body Experience
The body contains spiritual energies that are controlled by the mind. These energies can leave the body through the Crown Chakra. Leaving the human body in this fashion is called a projection in spiritual terms, which any person can perform and sometimes referred to as an out of body experience. The connection of the spiritual energies leaving the body in this fashion stretches to infinity, allowing you to go anywhere you wish.
With a highly evolved Soul they leave without the connection and are given into the care of a Spirit guide who is usually one of the very early earth plane parents of the Soul. Another strong Spirit Guide also accompanies them so that they can be called back. Sometimes the original Soul does get lost and are replaced by a lost Soul who wishes to remain on the earth plane.
This is a well documented phenomenon which does happen. With the more highly evolved Souls who have strong and experienced guides that have been with them through many lifetimes, this is most unlikely to happen.

Saturday, 6 October 2012



There is a small book in the Bible of the Songs of Solomon which very few are aware of and is the only place that gives the human interaction between men and women. 


As our glorious God loves us and we love Him in return, so do we love our husbands and wives; the interaction with our spouse is totally blessed through the solemnising of the marriage before the Lord God.


During the reign of King Solomon he wrote several love songs which are rarely preached about.


Refer to Songs of Solomon:

Friday, 5 October 2012

Cosmo talks on Meditation
Meditation is a subject of great interest on the earthplane yet very, very few have any understanding of what is involved.
For most meditation is nothing more than a bit of common thinking, which in itself is a rare thing.
What we in the 4th dimension call meditation is the connection of one’s mind with the universal forces which involves humility and acceptance of the fact that the knowledge of the universe is vastly superior to that of the earthplane.
To make this connection it is necessary to show humility and to allow the spiritual energies to act upon your body. As what happened with Edgar Cayce.
The whole function depends upon correct nutriment and correct hydration of the human body .
Refer to post on energies & importance of drinking water?
The human body has an incredible complex nervous system which is a separate operation or a third layer. The important parts of the nervous system where you feel pain, hot, cold etc. are all stored in the brain which need to be released otherwise the brain becomes supersaturated and starts sending out wrong signals to the body.
People get their lives so busy doing other things thereby neglecting their own physical, spiritual and mental health.
The mind, body and spirit must be in balance to make that connection which is why it is a very rare phenomenon connecting to those of us who, are in the 4th dimension.

Sunday, 30 September 2012

Cosmo Talks on Reincarnation
When a Soul or Spirit incarnates into an earthly life, it is the first step on its journey of evolvement to perfection to being at ONE with the Lord God.
In the 4th dimension there are seven stages or levels of evolvement that the Soul must work through before it can get back to being at ONE with the Lord.
The incarnation on the earthplane is the most important for the Soul to seek an understanding of the mystery of the light and the mystery of ONE, and to keep improving its experiences and achievements. As it does that, it will carry with it good Karma and assist in its return to the level of oneness with the Lord.

Have you ever wondered as the population of the earthplane increases, where all the souls come from?
Spirits do not require the conditions of the earth in order to exist. Accordingly there are an enormous number of them created by the Lord God all over the universe waiting for the right conditions to reincarnate into the earth plane.
How do we do that?
Simply while we are still in the 4th dimension we select a lesson we need, then, select the parents that will provide the right conditions for that experience and lesson which is a spiritual requirement. It can be either a positive or negative lesson depending on the path that the Soul has followed.
Once a match is found and the couple conceive, guess who that Soul will be. Race, creed, and country are totally irrelevant.
This process should indicate to the reader the concept behind the Fifth commandment to ‘Honour thy Mother and thy Father. Whether they are the best parents or the worst parents doesn’t matter. They give you the opportunity to reincarnate and provide the right conditions for you to learn that lesson which ties back to the Universal Law of Sowing and Reaping or Karma.
Families, are an earthly situation which does not exist in the 4th dimension. Through the process of reincarnation you have had many families and parents in many different cultures and countries over the eons of time.
Your siblings are not necessarily from the same group as yourself but all in need of the same conditions provided by the earth parents selected. This accounts for why siblings are so different to each other.
When you pass back into Spirit you are no longer part of that earthly family and continue on your journey to evolvement.
Matthew 17: 10 – 13 talks of the reincarnation of E-li-as as John The Baptist.

Cosmo Talks on Reincarnation
In the 4th dimension there are seven stages or levels of evolvement that the Soul must work through on its journey back to being at ONE with the Lord. When a Soul or Spirit incarnates into an earthly life, it is the first step on its journey of evolvement to perfection.
The incarnation on the earthplane is the most important for the Soul to seek an understanding of the mystery of the light and the mystery of ONE, and to keep improving its experiences and achievements. As it does that, it will carry with it good Karma which assists in its return to the level of oneness with the Lord.

Have you ever wondered as the population of the earthplane increases, where all the souls come from?
Spirits do not require the conditions of the earth in order to exist. Accordingly there are an enormous number of them created by the Lord God all over the universe waiting for the right conditions to reincarnate into the earth plane.
How do we do that?
Simply while we are still in the 4th dimension we select a lesson we need, then, select the parents that will provide the right conditions for that experience and lesson which is a spiritual requirement. It can be either a positive or negative lesson depending on the path that the Soul has followed. Once a match is found and the couple conceive, guess who that Soul will be. Race, creed, and country are totally irrelevant.
This process should indicate to the reader the concept behind the Fifth commandment to ‘Honour thy Mother and thy Father. Whether they are the best parents or the worst parents doesn’t matter. They give you the opportunity to reincarnate and provide the right conditions for you to learn that lesson which ties back to the Universal Law of Sowing and Reaping or Karma.
Families, are an earthly situation which does not exist in the 4th dimension. Through the process of reincarnation you have had many families and parents in many different cultures and countries over the eons of time.
Siblings are not necessarily from the same group or level as yourself but all in need of the same conditions provided by the earth parents selected and accounts for why siblings are so different to each other.
When you pass back into Spirit you are no longer part of that earthly family and continue on your journey to evolvement.
Matthew 17: 10 – 13 talks of the reincarnation of E-li-as as John The Baptist.

Saturday, 22 September 2012

Cosmo speaking from the 4th Dimension on
The journey of the Soul at Creation
All Souls were created by our glorious Godhead and sent on their own individual voyage of discovery and evolvement to eventually return to His presence in the 4th dimension.
There are two points that follow from this principle.
Firstly, the temporary human body that the Soul is connected to is of no importance.
When it is said that the body is of no importance, it is meant that in the fullness of eons of spiritual time, the body, is like one drop in the oceans of the earth plane. .
Secondly, the most fundamental law of the universe is that there is only one Creator God whom we are to love, praise and worship as in the First Commandment.
You do have two bodies. Your physical and carnal body and your Spiritual body. When the Holy Word says that your body is a Holy Temple and in the likeness of God, it is clearly speaking of your Spiritual body.
People have limbs amputated and parts removed from their physical body, but their spiritual body is still complete and is why their missing limbs still itch.
Every person has a duty of care to maintain and look after their physical body to the highest possible standard. It is a gift from the Godhead to the Soul while on the earth plane.
Consequently there is a responsibility upon the user for that body which is a lesson of evolvement that millions of dwellers presently on the earth plane are ignoring.
What will happen to them when they leave their physical body and return to Spirit?
Quite clearly if they have not observed the fundamental Laws of the Universe they have failed an important test.
The good thing about the lessons from the Godhead is that nobody has to fail unless they choose to do so. They will return to the earth plane and go through the process of earthly life once again and maybe again and again.
Easter is the most important time on the earth plane spiritually, for during this time we recognize and understand that the Godhead sent the second part of His Tripartite Being to the earth plane in the form of a human being, which should indicate to every person, the absolutely sacred nature of the human body.
Returning to the second point, is the question of worship.
 Many people presently dwelling upon the earth plane, have made a conscious choice to place spirit energies to be objects of worship. 
While some of the highly evolved spirit energies are surely worthy of praise, respect and adulation, these spirit energies are not God.
The tenants of living on the earth plane are made clear in the Ten Commandments, which were repeated by Lord Jesus in His sermon on the mount.
One of them in brief, is worship no other God but Me. Those who are placing spirit energies in a situation where those energies are seen as objects of worship, are breaking a fundamental law.
They will  not evolve to a higher station, simply, because they have failed to learn one of the fundamental lessons spelt out so clearly by the Lord God and Jesus Christ at his sermon on the mount but will have an opportunity through reincarnation to try again.
It should be now clear to any reader that their purpose of returning to the earth plane is to learn lessons relating to the fundamental Laws of the Universe. If the lesson they came to learn has not been learnt, they will return.
If they have learnt their lesson but have not reached the state of high evolvement, they will indeed return again to learn one of the many other lessons.

Monday, 17 September 2012

Cosmo talks from the 4th dimension on THE I AM
Our Father who art in heaven
Hallowed be thy name
Thy kingdom come
Thy WILL be done on earth as it is in heaven …
You are a child of the Lord God and a part of Him who is the “I AM" or "THE ONE.” As a part of Him the most important part of you is the “I”
In the heavenly state spirit energies or the Soul can create their own reality. The same applies for people on the earth.
You being the “I” can create your own reality. This concept requires a good deal of thought and consideration.
In Spiritual terms human beings as is the Lord God is a tripartite being. He is the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost which are the three parts.
In human beings these three parts all exist simultaneously. In the first part is true love which is the child. The second is the nurturing and care of the female. The third part is the spiritual which is the male connection. These parts make up the Soul.
The Soul connects to the Lord God through the mind or superconscious. It is through the mind that the beings of the light (servants of the Lord) that are in the 4th dimension can send messages to you on the earthplane.
Human beings on the earth-plane very rarely get the third part of their Soul in harmony because they carry the “baggage” of themselves, their families and their ancestors since the moment of creation. All of that destroys their thinking and their approach.
Native races have a huge advantage. They don’t have centuries of baggage to discharge as in the religious legalisms and dogma of churches.
So the question becomes how, do I get rid of this baggage. This was the original purpose of prayer. Prayer is merely asking the Lord to be released from sin from erroneous thought and from injuries you have inflicted on others, actually or metaphorically. You discharge this baggage firstly by totally loving yourself, the Lord God, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost.
Simply all you have to do is say I love you Lord and thank him for the blessings you receive and for the relief of the past erroneous thoughts and actions of yourself, your family and your ancestors.
By freeing yourself of all that baggage you are then in a position to create your own reality which you can absolutely control so that your life becomes within your control.
The book THINK & GROW RICH by Napoleon Hill contains a great source of information on the subject of thinking correctly. It’s not all about money but rather about the many other riches in life such as being rich in Love, Friendship, Happiness, Health and all aspects of your life. When all of these things are in balance, the money flows because it is part of the whole package.
People say money is the root of all evil. In fact it is NOT. It is the intent of the person with the money that is evil. Money is all part of the Lords wish for us to have prosperity on the earth while we are here and so many evil people are doing their very best to take it from you for their own personal gain. Money is not the be all and end of it all. The Lord God is. With Him everything is possible.

Friday, 14 September 2012

 Health, Happiness & Wealth according to God's Univesal Laws
Cosmo & WD Gann speaking from the 4th Dimension

The way to health, happiness and material wealth begins with yourself and your thoughts. You are a child of the Lord God made in his image and He wants you to have all these things.
Jesus said, "As you sow, so shall ye reap." He did not say "after death" but here and now.

Many have preached that we should live a life of sacrifice and receive our rewards in heaven.

All natural laws teach and prove that we do receive our reward now while we are here on earth.

You are a plural personality which is an absolute truth. We have at least two distinct personalities. When you look in the mirror you come face to face with your physical self.
Inside your physical body lives your two selves who are constantly at war with each other. One is your negative self and the other is your positive self. Your negative self thinks, acts and lives in a state of doom and gloom, fear of being poor, fear of dying, fear of being unloved, nervousness, poor health and a mind full of self pity. When you allow your negative self to control your thinking, you allow the negative thoughts to fill your mind.
Such thinking like "what is the use", "nobody cares", "nobody loves me", "I haven't got a chance",
and so on are all very discouraging and can be very damaging to your state of mind and health.
Your positive self on the other hand is vibrant, thinks thoughts of success, happiness, love, well being, and  material wealth. When your positive self is in control you are filled with confidence, assurance, joy and peace of mind.
Your mind is a two way radio station transmitting and receiving all day every day, even while you are sleeping so it is very important to take control of your thinking.

The negative self has no redeeming features and in fact is the fertile ground for the evil Prince of darkness Lucifer to reside. It is he who sits on your shoulder waiting at every turn to fill your mind with negative thoughts to prevent you from succeeding in life.
As an aside the reason that the evil Lucifer encourages you to be negative is because he dispises you...
Why does he dispise us?

Because WE are made in the image of our glorious Godhead and he is not. He is a fallen Archangel and can never be in God's image. The Archangels are not made in the Lord God's image either as they are servants to the Lord God. Our Guardian Angels are actually the Souls who have lived an earthly life and have chosen to follow in the ways of the Lord God and are in the heaven state.

It is very difficult to be positive when you are feeling rejected, unloved, lonely, and generally down in the dumps. All of this is merely and attitude or mind set of thinking which you can change.
You can choose to be sad, hurt, unloved and have a pity party, or you can choose to be vibrant, happy, cheerful, full of vim and vigour and prosperous.
The one thing that our Lord God gives us that no one can take away, is the absolute control of our mind.
Most people's problems or troubles start from fear and doubt. When you change your thinking toward positive thinking these negative thoughts disappear.
Fear is the father of jealousy, selfishness, anger, hostility and wrong thinking. Negative thoughts must be replaced by good thoughts.They are merely an attitude. When you change your attitude, everything around you changes.
 It's just as easy to think about good pleasant things, as it is to think about the negative things. The Lord God did not create fear, doubt or any evil thing. He does not bring sickness, sorrow or any trouble on you.

Think & Grow Rich written by Napolean Hill is excellent reading on this subject..

Thursday, 13 September 2012

Cosmo talks from the 4th dimentsion on
The Holy Trinity has been the subject of much religious scholarship debate. From the spiritual side, God the Father whom we call Jehovah which is His name is a spiritual force in perpetual contemplation.
His Son, whom He named Jesus, is the 2nd part of Jehovah that He sent to the earth plane. Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father and is of course the only way to the Lord God.
The Holy Ghost is the third and separate part of Jehovah. It is the Holy Ghost that does all the good things on the earth plane. The Holy Ghost is able to touch the Soul of those in the form of humanity and is the spirit force that teaches the Soul the 7 virtues. It is also the Holy Ghost that fights the fallen Angel Lucifer. Man on the earth plane all have spirit guides who work in unison with the Holy Ghost.
It is important to understand clearly that the three parts of the Holy Trinity are all parts of the ONE Godhead. This is the “I AM” The Holy Ghost is attuned to the prayers of the faithful and works with the Angels and the Higher Angels of mans spirit guides. When you get a feeling of complete peace and wellbeing, you know that you have been fortunate enough to have been visited by the Holy Ghost.