Opononi Aotearoa
Cosmo talks on the Power of Thought
From the time the world commenced, it has been controlled by the power of thought which emminated originally from the Creator the "I AM"
Thought is a process never seen in all the kingdom that moves such as the creatures of the sea, the birds of the air or the animals of the land. Even an Aomeba can react to the discomfort which is an early form of thought.
You go higher up the chain to the fish seeing an insect on the water which responds and eats it.
The bee going to the flower and so on.
It's only when you come out of the animal kingdom to MAN that you find reason, controlled thought and long term memory. Everything that a man sees, hears or reads is stored in the brain and its only a question of tapping the brain to recall fact.
Various academic people on the earth plane have mistakenly claimed that man has evolved from Apes. They miss the point of the brain structure and its ability to reason and communicate with the 4th dimension. The power of thought is a gift that the Creator "I AM" has only given to mankind.
It is true to say that all aspects of life forms on the earth commenced with thought, particularly the activities of man.
When you consider this, it would seem reasonable that man learns to take control of the thought process. By so doing he takes contol of the most important resorce he has. "THE MIND"